The Burgundian Lifestyle Index (BLI) checks whether your income and expenses are in good balance. And do you want to keep up your lifestyle but also set aside more money? You can, the BLI gives you the information you need.
What is the Burgundian Lifestyle Index (BLI)? Without doing "silly things", you still often cannot manage to properly save every month, despite your comfortable salary. For many people, there is a monthly difference between the amount that could be saved and the amount actually deposited monthly in their savings account. We call this difference the Burgundian Lifestyle Index (BLI).
Want to find out how high your Burgundy Lifestyle score is? Then we need to find out your 'surplus' first. For that, we need to map all your finances. Get started!
Money paid into your bank account is usually your or your partner's income, together with any allowances and tax refunds.
Fixed charges like mortgage, rent, gas, water, electricity, insurance, television, phone and internet subscriptions usually make up the bulk of your expenses.
Why is it so difficult to deposit an amount in your savings account every month? The answer is simple: this is human behavior. Every day, we are tempted to spend money. Consciously and unconsciously. Variable expenses often have a much bigger impact. Expenses we usually pay with our debit card which means we often don't have a clear picture of these kind of spending habits. Just add them up. By groceries we mean not only supermarket purchases, but also clothes, sports, eating out or a monthly massage. Below a shopping list as an example:
And transport:
Not all expenses can be broken down into monthly expenses. Some expenses you only incur a few times a year. Think of holidays, buying winter clothes or maintenance on your house or garden, for example. These are what we call provisions.
Without payment constraints, the gap between income and expenditure is likely to be positive.
Ok. Everything filled in? Well then, now comes the big moment. Enter your final amounts and discover your score.
Well done, you have calculated your BLI. Now you have insight into how much you could save. But do you really do this?
Want to gain more insight? Join the masterclass!
The masterclass 'Getting a grip on your finances with the Burgundian Lifestyle Index' is organised by Prikkl (masterclass will be taught in Dutch). Prikkl is an organisation that helps you seize smart financial opportunities, seize opportunities and prevent stress.
And, do you know what your spending habits are right now? This insight will help you work out what your spending habits should be at a later stage - and whether, by then, there will be enough money coming in. Want to know where your pension accrual currently stands? Then go to my-Shell pension (log in with DigiD).
Print it out and fill it in yourself?
Download the PDF with the checklist below, complete everything and discover your BLI.